• Why does it matter if Mormonism is true to Christians? We are supposed to be about truth. The Bible is one way we can test Mormon beliefs as truth claims. #apologetics #womeninapologetics #faith #christianity #lds #mormon
    Mormonism,  Other Religions

    One Simple Way the Bible Answers if Mormonism is True

    Why does it matter to me if Mormonism is true?  Because I’ve had Mormons tell me that they are Christians. I was shocked. Everything I knew about Mormonism was that they were not a form of Christianity. I needed to learn the truth for myself if Mormonism is true because I want to represent God as best as I am able and glorify Him. While I felt confident that Mormons, or Latter Day Saints, are not truly a denomination of Christianity, I wanted to be able to explain my opinions clearly and defend my position rationally.  And I learned the Mormon claim of being Christian could not be farther from…