My Background

  • My Background

    Where Did I Go?

    Where did I go? I set up this site, wrote one or two posts and POOF. What happened? First, I probably published my first posts before I was really well-prepared. Writing apologetics takes a lot more research and time than writing a normal blog post. I apologize for not understanding the depth of knowledge and study needed on each topic before pushing publish on this website. Additionally, I thought I was prepared emotionally for stepping into the world of apologetics, but I really wasn’t. I was not prepared for the onslaught of comments by atheists looking for debate or just wanting to fight. While I didn’t want to back down…

  • How did I get interested in Apologetics? Someone I love became an atheist, and I had to know the truth of what I believe for myself and my family. Do you know the truth? #Apologetics #WomeninApologetics #Christianity #Faith #SheWritesTruth #ChristianBlogger
    My Background

    How did I get interested in Apologetics?

    I never imagined I’d be interested in apologetics, but then again, I never imagined my life would turn out this way at all. Several years ago, I came to a crisis point in my faith. My marriage was in a dark place, and I knew that I couldn’t fix it. Everything I knew how to do was not only failing, but making things worse. I was desperate to save my marriage. I knew I had to turn to God. If there was any hope at all, it would have to come from Him. But my faith wasn’t really my own yet. It was borrowed: borrowed from my parents, my church,…

  • My Background

    Welcome to the Mamapologist!

    Hi! I’m the Mamapologist!  Who am is the Mamapologist? I’m a mama and apologist – hence Mamapologist!  I think teaching our children to defend our faith is the highest priority of any Christian parent. Our children are walking away from faith at record rates because they are not being taught the ways that our faith is compatible with science, supported by history, and explains reality.  My name is Jennifer. I am the wife of an Army veteran. He retired a couple years ago from active service. I was a full-time high school English and social studies teacher for seventeen years. I’ve taught world history, U.S. history, women in history, sociology,…